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Persisting and learning even in adverse circumstances

In a world in which business environment changes at lightning speed, the degree of complexity is constantly increasing and the gap between predictability and uncertainty is widening, resilience is the key competence for dealing with these challenges. It is not only the resilience of the individual that is important, but also how well a team or organization reacts to change, interacts with each other, adapts and uses the opportunity to grow in the face of challenges.

Resilience - Neuland Development

How does this help me?

Change is inevitable and at the same time forms the basis for growth and development. Resilience shapes people, teams and organizations that face new circumstances with flexibility and agility and act with foresight.

Innovative ideas and drivers of creativity help uncovering hidden potential of organizations. Open communication and trust enable the optimal use of resources. When mistakes and setbacks are not feared, but seen as valuable learning opportunities, new development potential arises. These ingredients form the resilience of an organization and thus are the recipe for success in a changing world.

Wie hilft mir das?

Resilience is like a muscle that is strengthened by challenges.

Gail Sheehy

Who is resilience for?

  • Employees who not only want to weather the storm, but also use it for their personal growth and are looking for the right tools.

  • Teams that are ready to make adjustments to the way they work together, deal with conflicts constructively, cultivate feedback effectively and live mutual trust.

  • Managers who want to support their employees not only professionally but also personally in times of change and who believe in the personal development of their employees.

  • Organizations that see people as a resource and key success factor for solutions, adaptability and innovation.

Für wen?
Resilienz - Neuland Development
What are the benefits?

For your company

  • Adaptability
    Your employees and leaders can adapt to new circumstances more efficiently, purposeful and initiate and implement appropriate measures.

  • Innovation
    Your employees are open to fresh ideas and willing to explore new strategies.

  • Dealing with setbacks appropriately
    You cultivate a working atmosphere that helps your employees to act more calmly and positively even in challenging times and not let conflicts and setbacks slow them down.

  • Conflict resolution
    Through self-reflection and emotion regulation, your employees and leaders are able to address and manage conflicts and find adequate solutions.

  • Leadership skills
    Your leaders develop a resilient leadership culture that unites people and purpose and forms the basis for successful delegation.

  • Employee satisfaction and retention
    You invest in the well-being of your employees and their leaders and avoid unnecessary loss of skills and knowledge through fluctuation and absenteeism.

For leaders

  • Strengthening your own well-being
    Strengthening your own well-being: stress management does not begin after work, but exactly where challenges await us. You learn how to use your resources in a targeted manner and balance your energy levels. You recognize your limits and can communicate them in a solution-oriented way.

  • Dealing constructively with your own emotional world
    You learn not to let conflicts and setbacks slow you down, but to deal with the resulting unpleasant feelings and use them for your personal development.

  • Accepting and shaping change
    You know your spheres of influence and use them in a targeted manner to face changes and challenges in a positive and empowered way. In doing so, you continuously expand your self-efficacy and competence and achieve personal success.

  • Living in good relationships
    You form a strong social network based on transparency, trust and goodwill. You give and receive ideas, experience, support and empathy. You celebrate successes and reflect on setbacks with your team.
Wie wir arbeiten

Do you have any questions? Please feel free to make an appointment!

Michael Schleppe - Neuland Development

Michael Schleppe
Trainer, Facilitator
Key account manager

We will be happy to consult you!

Resilience - Neuland Development