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Learning Organization

Lifelong learning also applies to companies

Change and learning skills are the key success factors of the 21st century. What companies demand from their employees equally applies to themselves: With technologies, social and economic structures constantly changing, they must be just as adaptable, always offering new solutions, products and sometimes even new directions.

Learning Organization - Neuland Development

Two essential factors are crucial to establishing continuous adaptability in the company. First, a mindset is required that sees all gaps to the desired target state as learning opportunities. Additionally, a toolset is required that supports the learning process – from proven methods to suitable organizational structures.

How does this help my company?

As a learning organization, you create the best conditions for sustained future orientation and competitiveness.

Wie hilft das meinem Unternehmen?

Our approach

Together with you, we develop your organization towards greater learning and adaptability by using a current practical case. In addition to developing solution strategies, we create an additional level of reflection that sheds light on the process of finding and implementing solutions. This develops an awareness of one’s own patterns and the skills required for their further development can be practiced.

The mindset and toolset for a learning organization are thus simultaneously developed and sustainably anchored in your company.

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Do you have any questions? Please feel free to make an appointment!

Martin Merdes - Neuland Development

Martin Merdes
Trainer, Consultant, Coach, Facilitator
Managing Partner

We will be happy to contact you!

Learning Organization - Neuland Development