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General Terms and Conditions

§1 Registration for open seminars
Open seminars are seminars that are publicly advertised in our catalogue or in advertisements. Registrations must be made in writing using the registration form on our homepage or by e-mail. The booking will be confirmed in writing. The invoice for the participation fee must be paid by the start of the seminar. In addition to the participation fee, there are costs for accommodation and catering in the respective conference hotel. These costs are to be paid directly at the hotel.

§2 Offers for internal company events
In-house events are seminars, management consultations, workshops, lectures and coaching sessions that are held for the members of an organisation. Written offers remain valid for three months. The date of the quotation is valid.

§3 Terms of payment
Invoices are payable immediately upon receipt without deduction. If the invoice amount has not been received within 30 days of the invoice date, Neuland Development GmbH & Co. KG (hereinafter referred to as Neuland Development) shall be entitled to charge interest on arrears. Interest on arrears shall amount to 10% p.a. above the base interest rate applicable at the time of calculation in accordance with Section 247 BGB.

Payments are to be made free of charge for the recipient. This also applies to payments from abroad and even if a transaction fee is incurred. The costs of payment transactions shall always be borne by the initiator of the transaction.

All seminar fees and fees are quoted in EURO plus the value added tax applicable at the time of performance. If the VAT rate is changed within the contractual period, the periods with the respective VAT rates shall be deemed to have been agreed separately.

§4 Open seminar area
Rebookings or cancellations are possible once free of charge up to 45 calendar days before the start of the seminar.

If the alternative date is cancelled, the full seminar fee is due regardless of the deadline.

In the event of a rebooking or cancellation less than 45 calendar days before the start of the seminar, the full seminar fee is due. If an alternative date is booked within 6 months of the cancellation, 50% of the cancellation fee will be credited. Alternatively, a replacement participant can be nominated up to 1 day before the start of the seminar.

Cancellations or rebookings must always be made in writing. The date of receipt is decisive. Costs incurred by the respective conference hotel due to rebooking, cancellation or early departure shall be borne by the participants. If a participant does not make use of the full service, there shall be no claim for reimbursement for the unused part.

§5 Cancellation of internal company events
Cancellations or rebookings must always be made in writing. The date of receipt is decisive.

Appointments for in-house seminars, management consultations, workshops and lectures that have been confirmed in writing can be cancelled free of charge up to 45 calendar days before the event.

For cancellations up to 30 calendar days before the event, Neuland Development will charge for the preparatory work already carried out. The contractual partners may nominate an alternative date once. In the event of cancellation of the alternative date, the full amount of the agreed daily fees or flat rates shall be due, irrespective of the notice period. In the event of cancellation less than 30 days before the start of the event, the client will be charged 50% of the agreed daily fee or flat rate. In the event of non-appearance or cancellation less than 10 calendar days before the start of the event, Neuland Development shall charge the full amount of the agreed daily fees or flat rates.

Notwithstanding the above, the following regulations apply to cancellations of coaching appointments: Cancellation fees will be charged if the appointment is cancelled within one week of the agreed date. They amount to 30% of the agreed hourly rate and the scheduled time, the remaining amount will be charged for the subsequent appointment. In the event of cancellation within 48 hours of the agreed appointment, cancellation fees will be charged in the full amount of the agreed hourly rate and the scheduled time.

If a customer does not utilise the full service, there is no entitlement to a refund for the unused portion. Costs incurred by the respective conference hotel or coaching room due to rebooking or cancellation shall be borne by the customer.

§6 Changes to the scope of services
Each contracting party may request changes to the agreed scope of services from the other contracting party in text form. Upon receipt of a change request, the recipient shall review the change to determine whether and under what conditions it is feasible and shall immediately notify the applicant in text form of the approval or rejection and, if necessary, provide reasons.

The content and course of seminar and event programmes as well as the assignment of trainers and consultants may be changed while maintaining the overall character of the event. This shall not entitle the participants or the client’s representatives to withdraw from the contract or to reduce the invoice amount.

§7 Cancellation of the event
Neuland Development reserves the right to cancel open seminars if the number of participants is too low (usually less than 6 participants) up to 3 days before the start of the seminar and to offer alternative dates. In the event of cancellation of an event due to illness of the trainer or consultant, force majeure or other unforeseeable events, there is no entitlement to the event being held.

There is no entitlement to compensation for travel and accommodation costs or loss of working hours. No liability is accepted for indirect damages, in particular loss of profit or third-party claims.

§8 Confidential information, data protection
The contracting parties shall treat material and not generally known matters of the other contracting party with the confidentiality customary in business life. However, the contracting parties may freely use ideas, concepts, know-how and techniques relating to personnel and organisational development.

The contracting parties shall only process or use personal data of the other contracting party for contractually agreed purposes. In particular, they shall protect this data against unauthorised access and only disclose it to third parties with the consent of the other contractual partners.

§9 Copyrights
By registering for an open seminar or an in-house event, participants undertake to observe the following points. Accompanying workbooks or documents etc. are subject to copyright and may not be reproduced photomechanically or electronically at any time or under any circumstances; they are intended for the personal use of the participants only and may not be passed on to third parties.

§10 Liability
The respective event is carefully prepared and carried out according to the current state of knowledge. Neuland Development accepts no liability for the advice given or the utilisation of the knowledge acquired.

Neuland Development shall not be liable for damages caused intentionally or through gross negligence by event participants or representatives of the client.

Neuland Development expressly points out that sports and adventure events are naturally subject to a particular risk. All participants should feel up to the demands of the event. They are responsible for their own actions and their physical and mental health.

Neuland Development accepts no responsibility for any disadvantages that may arise on the part of the client and their employees due to a lack of event requirements. Neuland Development reserves the right to exclude participants and representatives of the client from the event programme if their behaviour damages our reputation as a guest in foreign regions. Any costs incurred in the event of premature departure shall be borne by the client.

§11 Satisfaction guarantee
Participants in open seminars who are not satisfied with the quality of our events are entitled to a repeat of the event or individual one-to-one training. Neuland Development does not bear the costs for travelling, accommodation and meals in the respective conference hotel.

§12 Sect passage
Neuland Development’s events are based on sound science – not on ideology or sectarianism. We therefore distance ourselves resolutely from organisations such as Scientology and the like and reject any cooperation with these or similar organisations or companies associated with them. We declare that our company does not work according to a method (“technology”) of L. Ron Hubbard (e.g. the “technology” for running a company) and/or otherwise with a method associated with Hubbard, but rejects it completely. We reject any advertising for training courses, courses or seminars that are based on a method of L. Ron Hubbard or are based on these “technologies” and prohibit any dissemination in our company. We do not organise any training, courses or seminars based on the above-mentioned “technologies” in our company and do not induce anyone to organise or attend them. We do not maintain any business relationships with persons, companies or organisations that promote the introduction of L. Ron Hubbard’s method (“technology”) or support the dissemination of said methods (“technology”) of L. Ron Hubbard. Furthermore, we do not knowingly support any companies and/or groups of companies that are themselves managed or influenced according to the method (“technology”) of L. Ron Hubbard. The information stated in §12 has been deposited with the Department for Sects and Beliefs in the Diocese of Fulda as an affidavit.

§13 Place of jurisdiction
The exclusive place of jurisdiction for merchants and in the event that a contracting party has no general place of jurisdiction in Germany is Fulda. German law shall apply.

§14 Final provisions
Should a provision of these terms and conditions or a provision within the framework of other agreements be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of all other provisions or agreements. Agreements negotiated to the contrary are only valid if they have been agreed in writing. The General Terms and Conditions of Business of the respective supplier shall apply to orders that are brokered by us but confirmed, delivered, executed and invoiced directly by the supplier.